중국, 장쑤성 후이산시 가오리 자동차 엑스포 시티 A5-203호.

중국, 장쑤성 후이산시 가오리 자동차 엑스포 시티 A5-203호. 애니 + 86-189 61880758 티나 + 86-181868863256

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The 2231 accumulator breadboard from GOODFORE is an essential component for weaving loom textile machinery. This sturdy breadboard was developed to offer dependable capacity to the apparatus, allowing you to produce breath taking and intricate textile designs.


The breadboard lightweight size helps it be simple to set up while using your weaving loom. It fits snugly into the equipment, supplying a stable platform for your textiles to be woven on. The breadboard has numerous outlets, letting you link different elements and products to it. This makes it extremely versatile and convenient to work with along with your textile machinery.


The accumulator 2231 was made to last, made from top-notch materials to provide a lasting and dependable gratification. The breadboard is durable, resistant to wear and tear, and can withstand the rigors of everyday usage. It was built to endure the harsh conditions of textile manufacturing while ensuring superior performance and security.


The breadboard is very easy to use and provides a smooth and seamless procedure. The breadboard can be charged and removed quickly, letting it supply a well-balanced and dependable energy to your textile machinery. It has an impressive charging, which supplies you with the satisfaction that the equipment will never run out of energy.


The accumulator 2231 is safe to utilize. It was fashioned with numerous security features, including an overcharge and over-discharge security measures. Which means the breadboard electric components will stay protected and safe, decreasing the possibility of injury or damage to your equipment or yourself.


The 2231 accumulator breadboard from GOODFORE is a fantastic option if you are looking for a dependable, durable, and safe solution for your weaving loom textile machinery. Its top-quality creation, simplicity of use, and versatile design makes it a vital component for textile manufacturers and hobbyist alike. With GOODFORE, you can be confident you are having an item which was created to last and delivers superior performance

릴리 프로덕션

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 2231CAN 축전지 보드


1 조각

기계 형




O원래 부품 번호


거래 모드

본선 인도

품질 보증

1 년

선적의 항구


지불 조건


배달 시간

5 일 동안


판지 상자


By 익스프레스





제품 사양:

상세 이미지                                                                                                                                   

 2231CAN 보드(1).jpg2231CAN 보드(2).jpg


기타 제품                                                                                                                                    




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Goodfore Tex Machinery Co., Ltd.는 떠오르는 첨단 신기술 기업입니다. 우리는 수입 자카드, 라벨 및 카펫 기계의 예비 부품을 연구하고 생산하는 데 종사하고 있습니다.

당사의 주요 제품은 하네스 세트, 솔레노이드, 자카드 모듈, 풀리, 스틸 후크, 다양한 브레드보드, 디스플레이, 그리퍼, 슬리터 등입니다.

당사의 완전한 하네스 세트는 다양한 브랜드의 자카드 기계에 적용 가능합니다.

 우리는 절대적인 성실한 협력에 헌신하고 진전을 이루기로 결심했습니다.

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      3. 우리의 잘 훈련되고 전문적인 엔지니어와 직원이 고객에게 독점적이고 독특한 솔루션을 제공할 수 있습니다.


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휴대 전화 : +8618961880758


위챗 : 008618961880758  

QQ : 294874105


이메일: tex @ goodfore.com.cn




A5-203, Gaoli Auto Expo City, Huishan Area, Wuxi, 장쑤성, 중국(본토)

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product 2231 accumulator breadboard 319126 for weaving loom textiles machinery-109
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